A Painfully Detailed Account of My Tuesday

The routine continues, but I have yet to be bored on any given day. There is not much new going on at school, but I will run through my day and let you be the judge. Here is a uselessly detailed summary of my average Tuesday. Wake up - shower - waste 15 minutes on computer until breakfast at 6:30 - eat with family - brush teeth - run to bus late with Beni and Clara - take bus with other Schwarzach kids - arrive at Dornbirn Bahnhof - walk to school - go to locker - wait for teacher (always about 15 minutes early) - class gathers - have economics for 2 hours (varies, today we went over how to plan and account for logistics in school events) - walk to physics - enjoy my physics teachers intense accent as he attempts English for an hour - break for 15 minutes - go to cafeteria - eat a snack - return to class - learn more physics - do an experiment - finish class - go to lunch (today with Constantin, Mathias, and Wendeline) - return for chemie - struggle through chemistry - go to math - relearn algebra (which I need) - finish math - walk to bus station - bus home - do homework/relax - wait for dinner - eat dinner with the family - more relaxing - brush teeth - write blog entry - go to bed. If that wasn't a detailed enough account for you, I apologize.

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3 Responses so far.

  1. Um I need more info Jackson...not sufficient enough!
    Even though your day might seem exciting, it's interesting to me :)
    So glad we talked, let me know when you want to again, MISS YOU!
    LOVE Sarah

  2. Kristi says:

    Love hearing your schedule. Miss you too.
    Love, Montana Mom

  3. Unknown says:

    That sounds like a pretty cool day to me. Is your Physics teacher the only one who teaches in English?

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