Bregenz Dinner and Photo Marathon

On friday I started out with school, but I only had 2 classes because my old chemie class was on fridays, and my English teacher canceled the class. So I went home early, and checked on my camera. It has been running for 8 days now and still has 3 out of 3 bars on the battery, it should last a long time and I am excited about the results! At 5:30 I took the bus to Bregenz to meet Barbara Gholi (a Rotary head honcho for Vorarlberg), Stefani (an American Rotex), Maria Sophie, Emily, and Mark. We walked to another Rotarian's house in Bregenz for dinner and had a nice time talking and eating. After I went to a party in Wolfurt with a few kids from the dinner, but I didn't know anyone and I was very tired so I went home relatively early. Then this morning (Saturday), I met up with Constantin and Thomas in Dornbirn to do a photo marathon. We were given 12 themes, then had to go and take a photo to match each one. Themes were like "Everything in Movement" or "I see green" or other broad topics that leave a lot to the mind. We started out by going to Thomas' house (by bus) and grabbing his camera (mine was preoccupied by the timelapse). After we stopped by a church to get some cool pictures of light through the stained glass. Then we walked back to Dornbirn Bahnhof, through the city, and all around for about 8 hours, finding the best pictures for our themes. We went in the Stadt Museum, Inatura Museum, through the back roads, up and down the main streets of Dornbirn (as the photos had to be in order), to the school, and really all over the town. We ended up running back to the Camera store hosting the event and turning in our photos at 5 exactly. Afterwards I headed home for dinner and to meet a few of my host family's friends. Then after about a half hour I took the bus to Haselstauden to meet Thomas and Go to Fabian's house. We hung out, watched a little tv then played poker. The last place person had to dye their hair for a day, and the second to last had to go up to a stranger and try to talk to them for a whole minute saying nothing but "Hallo". I got second to last so I get to try that out next week. Wish me luck! I can't put it back into left alignment, I don;t knwo why so apologies in advanced!

My classroom
The lens peeking out

My solution to keeping my camera warm and water proof

The view my camera is timelapsing
Trying to find the meeting place with Barbara and the others

Walking to the house for dinner 
The host and his kids

Eating dinner, Stefani in the middle

At the market this morning, before the photo marathon

Another view

The photo shop that put on the photo marathon

Constantin and Thomas walkign to Thomas' house

Beginning the themes

Walking to the nearby church

Inside the church

Cool lighting

In the Stadt Museum

The view from the back of the museum

The view from the front of the museum

At an interesting circular basketball court

Some horrible singers downtown

At Inatura Museum


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2 Responses so far.

  1. Kristi says:

    Love the stained glass picture! Love ya,Mom

  2. Dave Crawford says:

    Wa great way to protect your camera! And the museum looks really cool. How did the marathon turn out?

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