Soccer, Birthdays, Skype

I started today by going to Jakob's soccer game against a small town in the Bregenzerwald. They ended up winning 14-0 and Jakob scored 5 points. I finally had a chance to bring my good camera with my to a soccer game, and I scored a few good shots. I have only been bringing my small green camera with me because it is so small and my other camera was often preoccupied with my time lapses. Anyway, after his game we all came home for a couple hours before going to Beni's game. They played a different team from the Bregenzerwald, and tied 1-1. While there we met up with Trude and Manfred (Ernsts Parents), Klaus and Carmen (Ernsts brother and siste-in-law) and their kids Jeremy and Elijah, Margit and Heri (Ernsts sister and brother-in-law) and their daughter Laura Sol. It was Heri's birthday, and we combined Beni, Jakob, and Heri's birthday celebrations into one at the house. We had cake, played ping pong and ate a great dinner. At 6 though I went and Skyped Sarah for the first time. It was great to talk to her, and it made me reminisce about Bozeman. Although I am not home sick, or want to go home, I do miss the people and the little comforts. While Skyping, I saw Felix Baumgartner's skydive from space live, and it is a big deal here (since he is Austrian and Red Bull is from Austria). The whole family was watching it too, and I have already seen a bunch of Facebook posts. I think 8 million people were watching it on Youtube, and I am pretty sure they crashed the server (since Youtube was not opening for a while).

Beni's Game

Jakob's Game

Dinner together

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2 Responses so far.

  1. Unknown says:

    Great shot of the goal being scored! All your comforts and fun stuff will be here when you get home. Have a blast!


  2. Kristi says:

    Hi! Those action shots are great! Love the one with Beni in the air. Dave had on the space drop too. That guy is either really brave or really crazy! So glad it went as planned. Love ya, Mom

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