
As I grow more accustomed to my new home, there is less new to report. Time still flys, but I don't have as many interesting stories to share. I have rolled Tuesday through Saturday into one post for your enjoyment. Wednesday is my shortest day, but in my Art class we took a field trip to a near by "Higher School". It isn't considered a university, but it is essentially a college-level campus. We went to the art building and looked at the best Posters of 2012. They were often double meaning, political advocations, allusions, illusions, or just event announcements, but each one was unique and carefully created. We spent our 2 hour class checking them out, then returned to the school. I had the afternoon free, but I stayed in the library to wait for Thomas and Mattias to go to lunch. I was in the back room on the computer, and without my knowing all of the other teachers and students left the library and locked the door. Bummer. I waited until class got out, then checked the door and it was indeed locked. I was trapped in the library. I considered jumping out of the window, but then noticed a few little kids outside the door looking in at me. I went over to them and asked them to get a teacher, they did and I was freed. I found it more hilarious than anything, then I met up with my friends and we went to lunch. I just returned home, nothing really special about the rest of Wednesday. Thursday was our last day of school, and my Philosophie class was cancelled, so I had a 3 hour lunch break. I went with Agnes, Beni, and Jakob to a local ski shop in Wolfurt, and they looked at skis for Jakob. They didn't have the ones they wanted, so they are going to wait until next week then return. I just went home and hung around with Beni, then went to Sport at 3. We played soccer, but no one was really into it, being the last class before a week vacation. I returned home for dinner, then went out and met up with Thomas, Fabian, and Gabriel. We went to the Jugend Raum under the Haselstauden Kirche and played Foosball, listened to music, and just hung around. I had a late night, and went home tired. Friday was chill, I just spent time at home really the whole day. Today, Saturday, I had another lazy morning, then went to Spar to grab a snack. Agnes and Ernst are in Tyrol for the weekend, which will be pretty fun I think. At 3 Clara and I went to the Grandparents house for coffe and cake, like every Saturday. Jakob is staying there for the weekend (since Agnes and Ernst are gone), so we saw him. No other families joined us, so it was just Clara, Jakob, Manfred, Trude and I. Today was the first snow, and I think we have at least a couple inches right now, getting me stoked for ski season! I went outside with Jakob and we threw some snow balls at trees. I feel pretty close to the Thurnher family now, and very at home. Today was a good chance for me to get to know Clara a little better which was cool, also Jakob is a super fun little kid. Life continues to be great, and I can not complain about anything.

Arriving at the Art Exhibit

The display we saw

Checking out the artwork

A couple fo the posters

Continuing to mull around

The Dornbirner Floss we crossed on the way there

Rafaela and Natschi looking at posters
A cool one depicting Moby Dick, you can see a little boat high in the middle, and the head of the whale at the bottom

The advertisement for the exhibit

Walking to another building

Last years best posters

Returning to the school

The locked library door

The Wolfurt ski shop

Checking out the merchandise

A Montana bike

Snow, aww yeah!

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3 Responses so far.

  1. Kristi says:

    Great blog. I think it is hilarious that you got locked in the library. So glad you are so happy. I am thankful for the Thurnher family!! When I was looking at the art pictures, I actually thought one of the girls was Sarah before I realized NOT. The girl in the black and white plaid coat kind of resembles her from the photos. I enjoyed the Moby Dick one. We are going to the Bobcat game in the snow today and then out to a costume Halloween party tonight. Keeping busy. Love you much, Mom

  2. Dad says:

    That's focus! Getting locked in a library...could be worse. At least it wasn't the bathroom!!

  3. Anonymous says:

    haha .. it was in Hatlerdorf .. not in Haselstauden ;)

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