Herbst Messe Dornbirn

A though just hit me, wasn't I just at sweet pea with Ben and Fritz yesterday? I swear it has been like 2 days, I can remember everything. If i didn't have these blog posts to reassure me I would never believe it has already been a full month that I have been here. Today I went to the Herbst Messe (Autumn Expo) in Dornbirn. All sorts of restaurants and businesses were there displaying their products for the coming year. I went with Beni, Micki, and another one of their friends Alex. It was giant, with probably 10 full buildings, a main stage, a main hall, and indoor ice rink. We browsed a few of the hundreds of stands and messed around. We tried hitting some tennis balls, watched ski jumping (yes in summer), and even went skating. It was my first time I think without a camping chair to hold me up so I was pretty horrible. But even so we had a ton of fun. We hit some pucks and each won a polo for good shots. Then we walked back through some more stands. I tried a virtual reality video game, but the man gave instructions in German and I failed, ending up with -60 points, a learning experience for sure. We made our way into the main stage to watch some runway modeling, ok by me. Then we went into the main hall for lunch (I had a half of a chicken). We enjoyed skating so much we returned after lunch to do it again, I won a free ice cream this time. It was around 4 so we got back on the bus, transferred at the Dornbirn Bahnhof, and made it back to Schwarzach. A few other things, I have become kind of a "Yes Man". I don't say no when someone offers to take me somewhere or show me something. It has almost always turned out well for me. Also, I have noticed how eveyone here (kids) want to go to the U.S. Like Tobias, who is there now, Beni, who goes in January, Morti, who went for a year last year, Alex, who just returned Friday, and many other kids. The U.S. is great, but I don't understand why so many kids really want to visit. Photography update: as of right now I have had a timelapse of Schwarzach running for a little under 51 hours, I am stoked for the results!

My daily path to get into Schwarzach (cows live on the other sie of those trees)

The Schwarzach Church
Entering the Messe

Inside the Messe

Outside in the Messe

Beni hitting tennis balls

Some off-road vehicles, we didn't see their performance

The ski jump

Beni and Micki skating

Me skating, badly

Failing at virtual reality

The main stage, with models

The main hall

Beni, Alex, and Micki watching the skaters
Micki hitting a puck

The Dornbirn Bahnhof

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One Response so far.

  1. Unknown says:

    so glad you're taking advantage of all that is being offered...what great memories your making!

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