School and Jakob's Soccer Game

School today started with Economics for 2 hours, which was followed by 3 hours of Physics. Both teachers I really like, but I am pretty sure my science teacher is crazy. Today he tried to find where a ringing was coming from for about 10 minutes, at one point he spontaneously jumped from a standing position across the room and to his hands and knees, thinking he found the source of the noise. He also teaches a lot in English, so it is easy to understand. I went to lunch with Beni again, then only had an English class in the afternoon. My math teacher was not there that day, so we didn't have class, they don't even bother with a substitute. I returned home and watched "Ted" on my computer, then once everyone else arrived we went to the Schwarzach soccer field to watch Jakob play. They didn't win, but it was fun to watch him play. Once home, we had dinner and relaxed. I am putting the finishing touches on my summer timelapse video and it should be posted this week. I can tell I am going to post less entries as school ramps up because there is not as much to report.

Walking to the bus


Ernst watching the game

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One Response so far.

  1. Kristi says:

    Hi Jackson, Keep posting even little thoughts. I love reading your blogs. I feel like I am there too--ok not, but it helps me connect with you. Love ya much, Mom

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