The Thurnher Home (in Pictures)

A view from the front
My bedroom

Looking into my bedroom from outside

The stairs connecting the 3rd floor to the 4th floor (the 1st floor is the garage, and the 2nd is the kid's bedrooms)

The dining room

The kitchen

The outside portion of the 3rd floor

The switched-backed trail from the 3rd to 4th floors

Looking from the trail, in between the 3rd and 4th floors

Back up behind the house

The outside portion of the 4th floor, with ping pong table

The tv room on the top floor

The workout room/Ernst's office

The side porch on the top floor

The view from the top (the mountains across are in Switzerland)

The front balcony on the top floor

The porch on the bottom floor, outside Clara's room

Another vantage point

From up the street

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