It's 8 o'clock and Time for Bed

I really enjoy BG Dornbirn, but I am insanely tired right now. I can tell already that thursdays are gonna be the longest by far! I woke up at 6, and didn't arrive back home from school until 6:15. I had deutsch, math, english, deutsch, and geography before my 2 hour lunch. Then philosophie and two hours of gym after lunch. Our gym class got moved to the Messepark (which is about 15 minutes by bus from the school) and we had to wait for the bus a while so it was about 4 when we got to gym. Then we played floor hockey and basketball, before the class ended at 5:05, 10 minutes early for us to change. It took me a full hour to get home. I played some ping pong (of course), and had dinner and went to my room to go to bed before 8. Also, I have had a stomach ache for 24 hours, so I am a little grumpy and tired. Still, I had a good day. It is nice to know that whatever my mood, I will still want to be here. I would say I actually have some friends at school now, the kids in my class are really cool, and a the few kids in the 8th class I know are chill too. A couple of the kids in my class are Muslim, from Turkey, Bosnia, and other places, and though it shouldn't be something worth noting, there is so little diversity in Bozeman that it stuck out. I was never one to stereotype about muslim people, but for anyone who does I can assure you that they are just like you and me. Having no real religion for myself, I have noticed that a lot of people here have a religion (from their family), but aren't very religious themselves. But, the two main religions here are most definitely Catholicism, then Islam. The rest are mostly not religious, Protestant is also present (my second host family is Protestant).

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