Käpple Fest

I am very tired right now so I am just going to write in English. Yesterday was a pretty normal day, school, homework, routine. But today when I got to school early this morning the 8ar class was having it's Käpple fest (I can't remember how to spell it right). I have forgotten my camera at home for the past few days, but there are 2 more festivals for the other 8th classes. So when I got to school they were running around with shaving cream, silly string and spray paint getting everyone all dirty. They had a huge speaker and were blasting party music (because they had been partying and drinking since last night) and had a gate set up in front of the entrance to the school. With all of them being 18, they were still drinking on school property, and most of them were drunk. I watched for a while, then got my head covered in hair gel, shaving cream, and one girl even came up and drew on my cheek with blue pencil. I just went with it and let it happen, because how often do you get to experience something like that? My class, the 7th, might get a chance to have one this year too, as they are thinking of moving it to the end of the 7th year instead of the beginning of the 8th. I would love to be able to experience a true Austrian Kaepler fest! Anyway, once inside the school we noticed that all of the chairs had been moved face down onto the stairs, and that all of the desks were set up as barricades in the hall way. You had to climb through little openings in the desks to get to the other side. I went to my classroom, then remembered that my first class was a Deutsch course with the 8ar! They didn't have school for the rest of the day, so I hung out with them, helped them clean up and listened to some pretty funny drunk ideas. School went back to normal from then on, and I had Math, English, Deutsch, and Geography. In Deutsch I gave my Montana powerpoint and answered questions from the class. It was easy, and I realized how much my German has improved since I wrote that powerpoint this summer. For lunch I went with Sefa, Wendelin, and Dominic to Bäckerei Mangold, and had a bagel. Tomorrow I only have to go to 3 classes, because my English teacher is letting me go early to pick up my visa in Bregenz. Also, tomorrow I will meet up with Christina, Faith, Emily and maybe Mark in Bregenz.

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3 Responses so far.

  1. Kristi says:

    That sounds absolutely wild. I am really glad you went with it and had fun! What exactly does Kaepler mean?? Not sure how your other classes could be normal after that! Love ya,

  2. Dad says:

    That is pretty crazy they let a bunch of students get drunk and barricade the school. I guess if they don't do any real permanent damage and clean it up, it's all in good fun. I'm glad to hear you got your visa! And I'm sorry I haven't been able to comment on many of your posts. My computer can't post, so I'm on Mom's. Love you lots and talk about you and your trip to people every day.

  3. Käpple means "Hat" in dialect. I think it might have something to do with graduation hats (because it is a celebration for the last class).

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