Learning the Routine

I think today was similar to many of the days to come. I took the bus to Dornbirn with Beni and Clara then walked to school. Today's classes were Psychology, Deutsch, Ethics, Chemistry, another Deutsch, and Media (Photoshop, Illustrator, Final Cut, etc). In total my subjects are those above as well as History, Economics, Science, English (hah), Math, Art, Geography, Gym, and I also joined the Film Club. That sounds like a ton, but most of the classes are only or 2 hours per week. I had all of my classes except media in the morning. Then I came home for lunch and my 3 hour break, which is when I posted my Tauplitz adventures. I had to return to school for my 2 hour media class at 3:35, but I had a good time and learned a little about Adobe Illustrator. I don't have any super solid friends, but I am on good terms with all of my classmates and feel comfortable with all of them. Dialect is still a big problem, but I feel really confident in my high German. I can hold conversation with people and can get any point across that I want. I wouldn't say I am fluent, but I am getting pretty close. Although, I still have a lot to learn about grammar. Once school was done, I took the bus to Wolfurt and got my iPod charger from Emily, who I had let borrow it yesterday. It was actually a good thing because it helped me learn the area a little better and I figured out that Emily is only about ten minutes away from me by bus. Emily's host mom took me home and I had dinner with Agnes.

My hill

A view of Schwarzach from my daily path

Downtown Schwarzach

Jakob's school between the church and the building above

My hill opposite the church

A beautiful sky

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2 Responses so far.

  1. Kristi says:

    Sounds like a good day back at home. So did you go to Prague? Was your trip supposed to go to Prague and Berlin or is that a different trip? I'm so confused. Buddy is learning to dance so he can teach you when you get home! Love ya, Mom

  2. Anonymous says:

    Jackson, love all your writing and pictures, looking at every one, even though we don't comment. Constantly amazed by the beauty and the wonderful adventures and the people you are meeting. Keep on having a great time and learning lots. We luv u lots!!Gramma and Grampa in Bozeman

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