Lindau, Deutschland

I was lucky enough to be able to visit Lindau today, across the Bodensee from Bregenz. Beni and I had breakfast, then at 11:30, biked to the Bahnhof and caught the train to Bregenz. He thought it would take us all the way to Lindau, but his was mistaken, and I am glad he was. Since we couldn't take the train there, we had to ride around the lake and into Germany. Wow. It was 9km of beautiful countryside and towns. We passed through another Austrian town, Lochau. I have almost distinguished between Lindau, Lustenau, Lochau, and Lauterach, but I am still a little confused. But we rode along the lake and arrived in Lindau after probably a half an hour, it's hard to measure the time here. Agnes and Ernst weren't answering their phones so we explored the city a little bit. Jakob had a soccer game in a near by town earlier today so he, Agnes and Ernst were already there. Beni and I made our way town to the lakeside portion of Lindau, and when Agnes called it turned out she was right near by. Ernst and Jakob were a little ways behind her so Agnes and I went up into a cool old watch tower on the edge of the lake. It was about 7 stories high, and from the top you could see out to the lake, as well as a cool vantage point of the passerby below. Jakob and Ernst arrived, so we descended back to meet them. Jakob wanted an air brush tattoo of Ronaldo (a well known soccer player from Real Madrid I think), so he got it on his right forearm. We left our bikes and walked through the main streets of Lindau. I bought a postcard and we marveled at some pricey watches, then we found ourselves at a Beer Garden. For lunch, I had a bratwurst and fries and it was so good. All of the food here is awesome. After lunch Agnes (who also had her bike), Beni and I took a ship across the Bodensee and returned to Bregenz. I can now say that I have driven, biked, and sailed across the Austrian-German border. I am very proud. In Bregenz we hopped on a train and returned home to Schwarzach. I didn't leave the house after that and just chilled. Played some ping pong, etc. Then at 4 o'clock I got on Skype and talked to my mom, dad, and brother for the first time since my arrival day. It was great, we visited about recent happenings in Bozeman, and I told them how much fun I am having here. I got to see my dog (who I miss dearly) and then I brought my host family in so they could meet each other. I have decided that my dad and Ernst would hit it off really well, they have the same kind of humor. At 6 it was time for dinner, so I said goodbye and went up to enjoy some delicious BBQ from Ernst. We sat and chatted, then played another game of 2-on-2 ping pong. Again it was Ernst and Agnes VS. Beni and I. Last time we played they won. But this time, Beni and I pulled it off. Now it is 1-1 and the next game will be epic! Ernst, Agnes, Beni and I watched The Prince of Persia on tv, then went to bed. Lindau is a stunning town, and it was great to see my family. All around, a solid day.
Biking to Lindau

Crossing the bridge into Lindau, flags from the EU were flying the whole way across

One of the squares in Lindau

An alley way

The tower we climbed up into

The ornate ceiling of the top

The lion statue and lighthouse at the entrance to the Lindau bay

Looking down onto the lakeside walkway

Looking out from the other side of the tower
The main walkway, a third view

The edge of the Bodensee, Agnes is pointing to Schwarzach with her sunglasses in the bottom right


Jakob's product, it should last about 2 weeks

An empty street in Lindau

The family, Clara didn't come

Another square

At the Beer Garden

Boarding the ship

Leaving Lindau 
The lion statue from the front

Departing Germany

Aboard the ship

Getting our bikes. tons of people brought their bikes on

I found out today that this is not a building, but rather a modern ship. Jakob's choir gets to sing on it next week

Skype with the fam

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3 Responses so far.

  1. Kristi says:

    Hi! This was a great entry. What a beautiful city! It was so wonderful to be able to spend some time with you on Skype. So glad you are happy. Kick butt at ping pong! love ya, Mom

  2. Everything looks so gorgeous! Keep soaking it all in:)
    Miss you!
    Love Sarah

  3. Dad says:

    Tell Ernst I'd love to meet him. If you think we'd hit it off, that is cool.

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