Long and Great Day at BG Dornbirn

I didn't take many pictures today, actually the least amount for I day this whole trip. It is a little weird when you pull out a camera and start taking pictures of kids you don't really know yet. And it is a little touristy. But I did manage to sneak some photos of the library, and the busy bus station this morning. Today was a really long day. I woke up at 6 (which is normal), ate breakfast, took the bus to Dornbirn and arrived at my first class: 8ar Deutsch. 8ar is the first 8th class, so all of the kids where a year older than me. They were all really nice, and they helped me out with translations and problems, like everyone. I met my teacher and while she spoke to the other students I tried to read a section of her Deutsch book. It wasn't complete nonsense, but I complied a two page double column list of words I didn't know: from 2 pages of reading. She decided to find me an easier book for next week. After Deutsch, I walked to my Stadtmarkt classroom for math with Herr Diet, who is great. Next I English. Rough, haha. Although it was extremely easy for me, I did notice how their English was MUCH better than the average Americans second language. We learned we will be reading 4 books this year! After reading over 15 books for Euro, that was not a scary number. Herr Greber taught the next two classes (in the same classroom), which where Deutsch and Geographie. In Deutsch, we went over stuff like field trips and lockers, etc. Then in geography we discussed the pros and cons of Austria's location. This brought me to lunch. I went to the main school, and found Beni and a couple of his friends (all of which are a year younger than me). I went with them to a Kebap Imbiss and had another Döner, mmm. They went to class, but I had another hour for lunch so I went to the library and just listened to music and hung out. Psychology was next. We have a young male teacher, who has a degree in English so I am not worried about communication in that class. It will be interesting, we will discuss social psychology, mental diseases, and other thinking-associated topics. Since I considered Neurology for a while, I think I will enjoy the class. Last was Sport. The class was separated into boys and girls, who went to separate gyms with separate teachers (of the respective gender). I found that interesting because Austrians have same-sex public bathrooms, but not same-sex sports. Anyway, the class was super fun. We did team building exercises, simple games, a little basketball and then the last 3/4 hour was soccer. I am not good at soccer, but I gave it my all and it turns out I am not ass bad as I thought. I scored 3 or 4 goals, and the competition was fun. It was 17:15, finally, and I walked to the bus station and got home. When home I had dinner, then played darts and ping pong with Jakob. Now I just finished packing for Tauplitz tomorrow, and am pretty excited and really tired. I won't be able to post for the next three days so you will hear from me next monday! I will have tons of pictures I hope.

The back room of the library
Another view
The jammed bus to school

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2 Responses so far.

  1. Kristi says:

    Sounds like work! Hope you have a wonderful trip to other cities. Can't wait for those pictures!

  2. Jimmy says:

    Oh ya boots, your not "ass bad at soccer as you thought"? Oh mya... well good for you :) lol catz

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