Ping Pong Tournament

First off, here are some things I have noticed or forgot to mention earlier. One thing I am pretty excited about is that one of my favorite musical artists, Macklemore, made it from being a little know Seattle artist, to being listened to across the Atlantic. Micki was listening to one of his songs on the bus when we went to the Dorbirn mall, and I am glad Macklemore has become a success. Austria is not unlike Montana in a few ways. A couple similarities are the many tractors, cows and dogs. But each of these commonalities have a twist. The tractors are driven as leniently as cars: through town, up hills, etc. I have noticed multiple traffic jams due to a slow farmer on a tractor. Next, the cows. We have a ton in Montana, but they are not out neighbors. The empty lot directly in front of my house here is home to a cow. And there are many places throughout Austria where there isn't a house, but instead about two or three acres of grass and one of two cows living there. And the dogs. Bozeman is a leader in being laid back with dogs, i.e. taking them to work or into Ace Hardware. But Austria is way more open minded about having a dog. In the Tokyo restaurant I saw two people with their dogs just inside with them. I asked Beni and Clara and they said you can take your dog into any restaurant or store here. I found that amazing, and a little bit unappetizing. Also, Agnes always has a smile on her face. No, literally, she is always smiling and happy. I have not seen her frown. That is how family should be I think. Anyway, to get to the course of my day. I had breakfast with the family, as they were all home for the weekend. Then lunch and Jakob's friend Felix came over (we played Monopoly). Jakob loves a CD Beni got for him called "Summer Jams", and it is basically Kiss FM music with worse lyrics and even more repetition. His favorite songs are "Summer Jam" and "Not All About the Money", and I know all 10 of the words now! But at around 4 Ernst's sister (Margit), brother-in-law (Heri), and niece (Laura Sol) arrived. Then, his parents too (Manfred). Agnes and Ernst hosted a family get together and ping pong tournament that was super fun! The finale was between Heri and me, and I won by two points! Agnes brought out a trophy and a basket of gifts, and it turned out to be a pretty big deal! Afterwards we had a nice dinner together (Agnes is an excellent cook), and talked until about 10. Ernst is the joker of his family, and though the context is not the same in English apparently he told a joke involving "Genitals and potatoes" according to Margit. After dinner, Ernst, Beni, Jakob and I watched a heist movie (I ducked out early because I am really tired).

The cake my host-grandma made

Pulling out names to decide the tournament match ups

Sitting around the table pre-tournament

Manfred and Heri playing

Ernst's traditional shoes... for ping pong?

Jakob admiring the basket of gifts

All of us (Except Beni who was at a soccer game, and Clara who took the photo)

Agnes congratulating Jakob on 3rd place

My trophy!

One of my two gifts, a backscratcher (each of the family members has one)

Sunglasses, I have been looking for some the whole trip

The nicely set table

Our delicious dinner

My favorite drink in Europe, actually the whole world, soooo good

More cake... mmmm

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4 Responses so far.

  1. Kristi says:

    Wow! This looks really good. I like the layout so much better. Congrats on that trophy. Didn't know we had an aspiring Olympic champion in the family. We better buy a ping pong table when you get home. You are coming home right? Love you much!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Jackson! I wrote you a comment and it is gone... so hope this isn't a repeat...
    You are an incredible writer! I love reading your blog postings and am so excited for your adventures. How lucky to have this experience and to have parents that made such an opportunity possible for you. It is such a profound thing to get to know that life is so much more than what is in our own backyards. Stay open and happy... looking forward to hearing (reading) much more.
    Aunt Paula

  3. Anonymous says:

    Hi Jackson! We really enjoy your blog and pictures. It helps to see you in such a great place and with such nice families. Didn't know you played ping-pong so well. There is no news here nearly as interesting as yours. tTell the folks there that your grandmother really appreciates their kindness and great hospitality,it's wonderful to know what fun you are having. Luv u lots. Grandma Molly.

  4. Unknown says:

    Nice trophy! way to go Jackson!

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