The Hladiks (With More About Dornbirn and Bregenz)

I met up with Mortimer Hladik today around 12:30 to show me around a little bit and meet. We went into Dornbirn with his moped and ate lunch in the Stadtmarkt with his mother (Martina) and one of her friends. I got another chance to eat Wiener Schnitzel, very good. Morti took me to their apartment in Oberdorf (a division of Dornbirn). I got to see my future room and check the place out a little bit. It is a bit smaller than the Thurnher house, but it is still very nice, like everything here. Afterward, we met up with one of his friends Martin in the Stadtmarkt. There, we decided to go into Bregenz so they could show me around. We stopped in Lauterach so I could see a movie theater/bowling/disko combination center. Then we rode into the center of Bregenz, right by the Tokyo restaurant. We walked through the main area of Bregenz and got something to drink at a milk stand. They are popular here, they are just little shops with milk products, no ice cream. Then we walked down by the Bodensee and I could see where they were tearing down the opera. We returned to the mopeds and rode through Schwarzach and up into the moutains and up to Martin's house. On the way up though, Morti's moped overheated, because it was so much uphill and we were too heavy. Martin had to come back for us and we finally made it up to his house. It is a deceiving 5 stories high, with a hot tub on the top level, a pool, ping pong table, and more. A very fun place. We spent about an hour and a half there, then Morti returned me to the Thurnher's for dinner. I had soup and hamburgers for dinner, then I played some family ping pong. Beni and I played Agnes and Ernst, and lost. But it was a really fun game. Now I am watching Big Bang Theory auf Deutsch at the Thurnher's and relaxing.

Mortimer and Martina Hladik

My future room

The living room at the Hladik's apartment

The backside view from the apartment, one coulee away from the Bregenzerwald

Dining room in the apartment

A really cool old building in the middle of Dornbirn

Stadtmitte in Dornbirn

Going to the Dornbirn Stadtmarkt with Morti

An example of all of the tractors, I probably see 4 or 5 every day on the roads

Entering Lauterach

The theater/bowling/disko in Lauterach

International peace in Lauterach

Lauterach Kirche

The Bregenzerach

Stadtmitte in Bregenz

A main street in Bregenz

At the milk shop with Morti and Martin

The park in Bregenz bordering the lake, everything is green here (it rains a lot more though)

The opera in the distance
Morti and his overheated moped

At least we broke down in a beautiful place, although it is hard to find an ugly place here

Martin's pool

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One Response so far.

  1. Unknown says:

    I'm thinking of making Weiner Schnitzel for my book club. is your favorite beef or pork? Veal is called something different, correct? what should I make?

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