Wandern in Tauplitz

Today was the hike. I packed up my layers and went to breakfast. Outside it was thick, mysterious fog and raining. Perfect for hiking. There were supposed to be 2 hikes offerred, a easy and a more difficult one. But, sue to the weather they decided to limit it to the easy one. We followed the road until we reached a small lake, then took a trail around the side and up to a different lake, the Schwarzsee. I got to take a bunch of pictures, and we stayed there while the others caught up. Once everyone reached the top, we descended down and back to the edge of the first lake. Here, I had lunch and we took about a half hour to look at the lake and hang out a little. With the fog, the lake looked very mysterious and was a lot different than what I am accustomed to seeing in Montana. Lucas, Jesse and I started walking back and ended up being the first ones to arrive at the Gasthaus. We threw some snow balls around and hung out until the rest of the kids made it back. Then, we were all cold and wet so we had hot drinks and stayed inside. A group of other hikers were there and they sang traditional songs for about an hour, completing the experience. I wandered back outside with my friends and couldn't resist climbing up the fire escape ladder to take some pictures (Walter told me to get down). We messed around outside in the fog until dinner at 6, and afterwards. Once it was dark, we went on a night walk down to a restaurant/disko nearby. Everyone got to carry a torch (no idea why), so we must have looked like an angry mob moving down the mountain. Upon arrival we noticed the empty circular back room, and they had set up speakers. We had a dance party, and I displayed how terrible I am at dancing, but still had a really good time. Liam is the king of purposely awkward dancing, and I joined in. I took a break in the restaurant and had a piece of cake with Crash, Julien, Joel, and Johnny. For the last few minutes, we went back into the disko and Crash showed us some more of his amazing dancing. At 11, a tractor pulling little train cars showed up and we rode back to the Linzerhaus. Tired again, I went to my room, was kept up by the oldies, and finally got to sleep.
Mean Muggin' with Mittens

Waiting to start the hike

During the hike

A group of exchange students waiting above the lake

What most of the hike looked like

Our path along the mountain

Arrived at the Schwarzsee

The Schwarzsee, the higher up lake

Me by the lake

Jesse and Crash

Gathering before descending back down to the other lake

Julien, Jesse, Crash and I by the Schwarzsee

At the lower lake

Mysterious right?

Another piece of the hike, on the way back

Warming up in the Linzerhaus (our Gasthaus)

The fire escape I climbed

Liam standing against the fog

Crash and Julien messing around

Crash, Lucas and I

The torch-lit mob walking to the disko

Crash killing it

Liam doing the sprinkler like a pro

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One Response so far.

  1. Kristi says:

    You need to take dance lessons from Crash! I told you that you should've been dancing at parties with your dad and I. Then you would really know how to dance by now! Love ya, Mom

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