Schwarzach, Home

Sunday August 26th 22:18
There is not a ton to report about today, as it was mainly traveling. But I awoke for the last time in Altmünster and completed my packing. Then, I went and ate breakfast with most of the people that I became close to over the camp. Some down time was spent playing ping pong on the patio with Crash, Lucas, Johnny, Liam, Parker and others. Soon enough 8:30 rolled around and I gathered my bags and waited for Martina and the other teachers. Almost all of the kids were waiting in the front area so I took the opportunity to say goodbye to everyone. I know I will see them for the hiking weekend in September, but I will miss those guys all the same. Anyway, we drove to the Gmunden train station and Mark, Emily, Juliet, Erin, Faith, Johnny and I waited for the train. We rode to Attnung-Pucheim, and Johnny and Erin headed to Vienna. Then, after about 3.5 hours, Juliet got off in Innsbruck. Faith was next in Bludenz, and finally Mark, Emily, and I arrived in Bregenz. I returned home, and I have begun to speak almost completely in German with my hosy family. I ate dinner with them. Curry chicken, not my favorite meal, was served but I enjoyed it anyway. Especially as compared to the grease bucket foods they served in Altmünster. After dinner I went to my room, at about 9:30, exhausted. I am looking forward to being able to spend time with my host family these next few days, for now I am content.

The dining car on the train

Ordering, I got a Toblerone
Leaving Gmunden

Some of the Brazilian's mischief I didn't post earlier

One last picture of the Traunsee

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One Response so far.

  1. Unknown says:

    I'm enjoying reading your blog. Sounds like you are enjoying your adventure. Keep posting and experiencing! You are at the best age to travel and see the world--go forth and have fun.
    Naomi and Mr. Stewart

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