Down Time

I had a refreshing day today. I was lucky enough to be able to wake up at 10 this morning, which was a wonderful change from getting up at 7. I had fresh bread and orange juice for breakfast, which was great after continual cafeteria food for 2 weeks. One of Ernst and Agnes' friends from college, her daughter, and her son stayed for a few days, at least last night and this one. They are from Salzburg, and are very friendly people. During the day we all went down to mini-golf by the Bodensee. Afterward I had my first Wiener Schnitzel since arriving in Austria. It is simply a thin slice of meat (usually pork) that is fried and served with fries. I have begun to attempt speaking only German and I have not been able to say everything, which is normal. My vocabulary is slim, but I can usually get my point accross. We returned to the Thurnhers and I got to check out the bike I will be borrowing. I was planning on using Tobias' mountain bike, but I think I will just use Agnes' old Cannondale (no suspension). We hung out, played darts and ping pong, then ate some ice cream. I noticed that all of the food Agnes makes is very presentation oriented. It is nearly art. Also, all ingredients are fresh and delicious. We had pesto pasta for dinner (one of my favorites) and it was really tasty. I really enjoy a drink called Gröbi. It is just grapefruit juice and sparkling water, but it is really good. After dinner, all of the boys went upstairs and watched Desperate Housewives. As an already funny show, it dubbed in German was pretty hilarious. Another funny thing is that they call cell phones 'Handy's' and once they were telling about how Ernst misplaces his phone and said how he comes home and asks where his handy is. I know I am pretty immature but I couldn't help but giggle a little bit. Another observation is the price of gas. To fill a Toyota Yaris (the car Agnes drives) costs €60, or $72. In the U.S. it would cost a little over $40. That is crazy. Anyway, it is nice to be back in Schwarzach.

Jakob playing mini golf

Beni putting

This is Wiener Schnitzel

The sunset I had to deal with

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One Response so far.

  1. Kristi says:

    Hi Jackson, Wonderful as always to read about your adventures. I am glad you made such good friends at camp. Dad and I just read your latest blogs. We are now going to put Buddy to bed for the night. Love you, Mom and Dad

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